星期日, 12月 28, 2008

“So the Lord said, ‘I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.’ But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.”~ Genesis 6: 7-8

  There’s something about righteousness—the kind of morally virtuous lifestyle powered from above—man God chose to rescue the human race from extinction, demonstrated just this kind of righteousness.

  God didn’t choose Noah randomly. He knows whom He can count on to get things done—and it’s not necessarily the one with the most skill, talent, or social standing. Rather, it’s the one who daily walks with Him, the one who hears His voice and follows His lead.

  No doubt Noah had his own weakness and frailties. But he walked with God, and it was that close walk that made him righteous before the Lord (Genesis 6: 9). Noah’s righteousness qualified him to be used by God to help save the human race from annihilation, and in the bargain kept him and his loved ones from certain death.

  Noah still stands as an example of the kind of person God wants to use. God hasn’t changed, and even now He looks for righteous leaders who can help Him change the world.

~ The Maxwell Leadership Bible
