星期二, 2月 12, 2008

"Oh Gui"

Surfing net in KLIA. But the speed is as slow as oh-gui, and can't read any Chinese characters!! :<

It's horrible to lepak around in KLIA for so many hours! Anyway, good to know that there is some sunshine in HK now, feeling like it's welcoming me "back" (though I will be arriving quite late tonight), hahaha...

There wasn't much sunshine in my hometown during the past 2 weeks...I love sunshine, I miss sunshine, it's a wonderful & nature factor which can always cheer my up easily!

4 則留言:

dolphine 說...

Happy Chinese New Year!!!

Understand how U feel, when U can't read the Chinese characters in your own blog...

michelle 說...

Mee Ling, 喜歡你這兩天推出的一串家鄉故事,感動了,私自寫了一篇關於你的: http://petiteinote.blogspot.com/2008/02/blog-post_12.html

Happy lunar new year!! Have a nice trip back Hongkong !

Tony Hii 說...

Mee Ling, it is equally nice to read your post in English.

Have a happy trip back to HK after a wonderful break.

Mee Ling 說...

dolphine, 嗯,對那個國際機場感到失望呢。

michelle, 謝謝,很意外,想不到這些小花絮竟然帶給你這麼多的回應,感受到你的心思很細膩呢,真是讓我「受寵若驚」哦,再次謝謝。

tony hii, 謝謝,寫英文是因為逼不得已。我從小英文就很差,這十多年來越來越少用,所以常常羡慕英文很好的人,您就是其中一位。希望多看您的部落之後,英文會進步一點。