星期三, 7月 26, 2006



  我們毋須向其他人證明甚麼,也不是要作甚麼『好見證』去『榮耀神』,只是忠於所託,一生做個良善忠心的僕人而已。」~吳思源(基督教週報第 2187 期,06年7月23日)  


4 則留言:

匿名 說...

Fr my youngest sis.,W.S.K, I got ur blog.I like ur corner, both nice pictures and stories. My sis told me that u had stayed in her place for some time. But I think I don't know much about u. By the way, are u having another name as "Lang Bai"?

Zhang Zhu

Mee Ling 說...

Yes, I'm Lan Bai. You are very li-hai lah!

匿名 說...

I read ur essay about ur mother's dead one day in Sarawak chinese newspaper.It was published in Wen-feng-ling of Sea-hua Daily News, if I am not mistaken. Then I read some of ur essays in Yu-Chou-guang. I found that the contents are a bit similiar. And in ur nice essays, u always mentions about ur staying place, in Hong Kong, right? Then my sis told me that u are now staying in HK, that is why I am li-hai lah!Ha!


Mee Ling 說...

Zhang Zhu,謝謝您再次的肯定--這個世界好小,呵呵。你也喜歡讀宇宙光嗎?到目前為止,我認為宇宙光的稿最難投,他們有一改二改三改。所以,如果可以在宇宙光出現,我感到最榮幸;雖然是好久才出現一次,但一次可以開心好久。